Payment Methods

Cash on Delivery

Your order is sent to the address you choose when registering it and is paid upon receipt. When the employee of the cooperating courier company comes to your place to deliver the parcel to you, you pay by cash the value of your order. It is clarified that the parcel is received as long as the package is not damaged or opened. Therefore you are not allowed to open the parcel before it is picked up by the courier company employee.

Finally, we would like to inform you that cash on delivery is free for all orders shipped within Greece if they exceed €60.00. For orders totaling less than €60.00, cash on delivery costs are €3.


Payment by Credit Card

You can use your credit card to pay for your order. The credit cards we currently support are Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Maestro. has entered into an agreement with Piraeus Bank for the use of its system, in order to ensure the maximum possible level of security in your credit card transactions.


Payment by Bank Deposit

In this case you will need to deposit the total amount of your order in one of the following bank accounts. It is reminded that in order to successfully complete your order you must send us the proof of deposit (photo, screenshot etc) to

  • IBAN: GR5401103310000033144066645 
  • Beneficiary: STAMOS OE
  • IBAN: GR3602603370000160200465991
  • Beneficiary: STAMOS OE

Payment by PayPal

PayPal provides payment services through third parties. It is governed and controlled by the Financial Services Authority of Great Britain - FSA and facilitates the secure execution of a transaction by disclosing to the counterparties only the necessary information for its completion. Creating a PayPal account is free, as is transferring money from your PayPal account to your bank account.

If you do not have a PayPal account, you can create one for free by following the link below www.paypal. com.